Page 14 - Nuovo Gulliver News - Maggio 2024 - Verifiche finali - CL2
P. 14

 VERIFICHE                                                              Inglese cl. 2ª           VERIFICHE
 FINALI                                                                                               FINALI
      MONTHS AND TIMES                                                                                n. 1

           Read each balloon and complete each sentence with the name
      of the right month.

                                 I was born                                              I was born
                           in the eighth month                                      in the sixth month
                                of the year.                                            of the year.

        Walter was born in  ....................................................  Molly was born in  ........................................................

                                 I was born                                              I was born
                          in the second month                                       in the third month

                                of the year.                                            of the year.

        Bob was born in  ..............................................................  Clara was born in  .........................................................

           Look at each picture and match it with the right sentence by
      writing the letter on the dots. Then, complete the sentences with

      the hours in words.

                  A                           B                          C                           D

      1.  ……………………………     I usually have lunch at ………………………………………………… o’clock.

      2.  ……………………………      I usually have breakfast at ………………………………………………… o’clock.

      3.  ……………………………     I usually have a snack at ………………………………………………… o’clock.

      4.  ……………………………     I usually have dinner at ………………………………………………… o’clock.

      COSA VERIFICARE: conosce i numeri ordinali e i nomi dei mesi in LS; associa orari ai pasti della gior-
      nata corrispondenti in LS.

      Loredana Messineo © Edizioni Didattiche Gulliver S.r.l.                                                   29
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