Page 7 - DEMO Pronti Partenza Invalsi Inglese cl5 - Versione Docente
P. 7

ESERCITAZIONE N. 1                                           SCHEDA N. 1

       ALUNNO:  ........................................................................................  CLASSE:  ...................................................................................
       DATA:  ...................................................................................................   TEMPO DI ESECUZIONE: 15 minuti

        1 1  Read the text about a fantastic creature. Choose the correct answer (A, B,

      C or D) for each question (1.1-1.5). Put a cross (×) in the correct box. The first
      one (1.0) is already given, it is an example.

                                            A Monster in the Snow
      People believe that in China, in the Himalayan Mountains, lives a fantastic creature,
      the Yeti. They say that it is a very big animal, similar to a gorilla, with the body

      covered in white fur and that it hides in the snow and ice. In fact, another name
      for this creature is the “Abominable Snowman”. In popular culture, the Yeti is a
      nocturnal animal, so it sleeps in the day and comes out at night to look for food,

      leaving huge footprints in the snow. There are many legends about the Yeti, and
      every year expeditions are organised to find this strange creature, but there is no
      real evidence that it exists.

      1.0 Where are the Himalayan                            1.3 What is the Yeti also called?
      Mountains?                                             A. q Monster.

      A. q In Italy.                                         B.  q Big Gorilla.
      B.  q In China.                                        C. q Abominable Snowman.
      C. q In France.                                        D. q Strange Creature.

      D. q In Brazil.
                                                             1.4 What does the Yeti leave in the

      1.1 What covers the Yeti’s body?                       snow?
      A. q A white dress.                                    A. q A pair of skis.
      B.  q White fur.                                       B.  q Some food.

      C. q A white skirt.                                    C. q Small pebbles.
      D. q A white cloth.                                    D. q Huge footprints.

      1.2 Where does the Yeti hide?                          1.5 What do people organise every
      A. q In snow and ice.                                  year?

      B.  q Near rivers.                                     A. q Fantastic parties.
      C. q In a Chinese village.                             B.  q Many expeditions.
      D. q In a lake.                                        C. q Walks in the snow.

                                                             D. q Snowball fights.

        REGISTRAZIONE ESITI            N. risposte esatte: ....................   N. risposte errate/non completate: ....................

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