Page 10 - Nuovo Gulliver News - Marzo 2023 - CL2 - Inglese
P. 10

2     ª
                                                                                    scheda n. 1


           Colour the body parts of the animals according to the

        The rabbit has got grey                                 The chicken has got a yellow
        whiskers.                                               beak.

        The pony has got a black                                The cow has got black and

        mane.                                                   white horns and brown legs.

        The duck has got orange                                 The sheep has got a green
        wings.                                                  tail.

      COSA VERIFICARE: colora immagini di animali seguendo indicazioni.

      26                                                                              Maria Manca © Edizioni Didattiche Gulliver S.r.l.
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