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P. 68
How Do Seeds Travel?
Scriviamo sulla lavagna la domanda “How Do Seeds Travel?”, poi
organizziamo i bambini in gruppi e invitiamoli a discuterne insieme
partendo dalle loro esperienze personali.
Affidiamo a un componente di ogni team l’incarico di trascrivere le
idee dei compagni.
Dopo qualche minuto esortiamo uno spokesperson per gruppo a
condividere con la classe le ipotesi del proprio team.
Successivamente, verifichiamo quanto emerso distribuendo e leg-
gendo il seguente testo.
Unlike animals, plants do not have the ability to choose
the best place to grow. Indeed, they have no feet and no
wings. Therefore, the plants have evolved different ways
to ensure their own reproduction by dispersing their seed.
A seed must somehow “arrive” at a location and be there
at a time favourable for germination and growth. How can
seeds move?
Wind Dispersal
Seeds from plants like a dandelion are light
and have “hairs” that act like a little para-
chute. When the wind blows on it, the seeds
fly through the air and land on the grass where
a new dandelion can grow. Others have wing- ©
like parts to catch the wind.
NUOVO NEWS n. 230 marzo 2022