Page 111 - Nuovo Gulliver News - Ottobre 252
P. 111

3    ª

               Scheda n. 1                     IT’S HALLOWEEN!

                 Listen to the teacher and write the right number under each

                 Match each picture with the right sentence. Write the letters
            in the boxes.

                       A                          B                          C                          D

            1. It is an animal. It has fur and whiskers.                                                       ………

            2. It is an animal. It is black. It flies at night.                                                ………

            3. It is white. It is made of bones.                                                               ………

            4. It is sweet. Children collect a lot of it on Halloween night.                                   ………

            Testo per l’insegnante (prima consegna).
            1. It’s round and orange. It’s big. 2. She’s scary and old. She wears a pointed hat. 3. It’s small and hairy. It has got eight
            legs. 4. It’s spooky and white. It lives in haunted houses.

            COSA VERIFICARE: individua elementi tipici di Halloween in base a istruzioni ricevute in LS.

                              Lia Molini © Edizioni Didattiche Gulliver S.r.l.
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