Page 112 - Nuovo Gulliver News - Ottobre 252
P. 112

3   ª                       LUCY’S HALLOWEEN                                                Scheda n. 2


               Read the text about a special Halloween day and fill in the gaps
          with the words in the box. Be careful: there is one word that you

          do not need.

                      haunted house – spooky – black – sweet – round –

                                         old – Lucy – ghosts – Sam

                                                            It is a special Halloween day.

                                                            Lucy and her friend dress up in

                                                            ………………………………… costumes. …………………………………
                                                            wears an  ………………………………… witch’s hat

                                                            and her friend  ………………………………… has a

                                                            scary skeleton costume. They go

                                                            to a  ………………………………… where they see

                                                            ………………………………… floating around and a
          cat with ………………………………… fur sitting on a pumpkin. The pumpkin is big,

          ………………………………… and orange. Lucy and her friend love Halloween!

               Write sentences: use the words and the verb to be in the right


          a. old – wizard – to be – the

          b. monster – spooky – the – to be

          c. to be – the – potion – magic

          d. the – orange – to be – pumpkin

          e. scary – the – ghost – to be


          COSA VERIFICARE: legge e comprende un breve testo su Halloween; completa un testo con parole note; scrive
                           brevi frasi in LS coniugando correttamente il verbo to be.
             110           Lia Molini © Edizioni Didattiche Gulliver S.r.l.
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