Page 205 - Nuovo Gulliver News - Ottobre 252
P. 205

5   ª

               Scheda n. 2                       VERSO LE PROVE INVALSI

                Nome: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
                Classe: ...................................................  Data: ...................................................  Tempo di esecuzione: 15 minuti

              1  Listen to Jack and Paula talking about Paula’s father’s job. While
            listening, choose the correct answer (A., B., C. or D.) for questions 1.0-1.5.
            Put a cross (XX) in the correct box. Only one answer is correct. The first one

            (1.0) is already given, it is an example.

            You will hear the recording twice.
            You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete
            your answers.

            You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.

             1.0 Who is asking questions?                        1.3 What is the name of the
             A.  Paula.                                         product?

             B.  Paula’s father.                                A.  Fast and smart.
             C.  Jack.                                          B.  Fastrun.

             D.  Jack and Paula.                                C.  Speedy speedy.
                                                                 D.  Speedyrun.

             1.1 Where does Paula’s father                       1.4 Who is wearing this product?
             work?                                               A.  Jack.
             A.  In a factory.                                  B.  Paula.

             B.  In a bakery.                                   C.  Jack and Paula.
             C.  In a school.                                   D.  Paula’s father.

             D.  In an office.

             1.2 What do people produce in                       1.5 What does Paula’s father do in
             that place?                                         his workplace?
             A.  Sunglasses.                                    A.  He runs in the corridors.

             B.  Sports shoes.                                  B.  He answers the telephone.
             C.  Bread.                                         C.  He writes letters.

             D.  Canned food.                                   D.  He meets the clients.

                 REGISTRAZIONE ESITI     N. risposte esatte: ....................     N. risposte errate/non completate: ....................

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