Page 204 - Nuovo Gulliver News - Ottobre 252
P. 204

5   ª                              VERSO LE PROVE INVALSI                                   Scheda n. 1


                Nome: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
                Classe: ...................................................  Data: ...................................................  Tempo di esecuzione: 20 minuti

           1  Read the text about an international celebration. Then, read each
          statement (1.0-1.6) and mark if each sentence is true (TT), false (FF) or not
          given. Put a cross (XX) in the correct box.

          The first one (1.0) is already given, it is an example.

                                            It’s World Teachers’ Day!
          Every year, on October 5 , it’s World Teachers’ Day. It is an international day
          to celebrate the work of teachers all around the world. The UNESCO (United
          Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) established this

          celebration in 1994. It is to show appreciation for the significant contributions
          that teachers make to society by sharing their knowledge and by taking care

          of young minds. In India this celebration is held in September 5 , and in
          Turkey in November 24 . In the USA there is also a National Teacher Day on
          May 7 . What can students do to thank their educators every day of the year
          for their important work? Students can respect their teachers, listen to them,

          follow their directions, ask for guidance, help them with weaker students.

                                                                                            T      F

          1.0 A teacher established the World Teachers’ Day.                                             

          1.1 World Teachers’ Day was established by ONU.                                                

          1.2 World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on October 9 .                                           
          1.3 The first celebration was in 1994.                                                         

          1.4 This celebration wants to appreciate teachers’ work.                                       

                 In India, this celebration is on the same day as in
          1.5                                                                                            

          1.6 In China there is also a National Teacher Day.                                             

              REGISTRAZIONE ESITI     N. risposte esatte: ....................     N. risposte errate/non completate: ....................

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