Page 146 - Nuovo Gulliver News Marzo 2022 - Rivista
P. 146
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nessere di ciascuno in aula e a scuola FIGURA n. 4 I did art, I listened to music, I listened
mostrando il video reperibile al link SCHOOL RULES to the teacher, I exercised, I danced, Al RULE 1 I sang, I learnt new skills, I wrote…, I
termine, scriviamo sulla lavagna le Be on time. read…, I played with friends, I raised
regole suggerite dal filmato (v. figura RULE 2 my hand to speak, I ate a healthy
No cellphones (mobile phones).
n. 4), distribuiamo a ciascun ragazzo snack, I did maths… Poi, esortiamo
dei post-it e invitiamolo ad appuntarvi RULE 3 ogni alunno a costruire una griglia
Raise your hand if you want to speak.
nuove regole sulla base di quelle ap- con nove caselle, in ognuna delle
prese, poi facciamole leggere ad alta quali scrivere una delle frasi a scelta
voce; sollecitiamo la classe a scegliere - your classmates; elencate sulla lavagna, mentre noi
quelle più utili e realizziamo con esse - your teacher; le appunteremo su dei foglietti otte-
un cartellone. - the school and its stuff; nendo delle tessere. Procuriamoci
- yourself.
una scatola e poniamovi queste ultime
BULLYING WILL NOT BE all’interno. Diamo avvio al Wellbeing
FASE della CONCLUSIONE RULE 5 Bingo: sorteggiamo i foglietti uno per
Always listen to the teacher. volta ed esortiamo gli alunni a coprire
Wellbeing Game nella propria griglia, con un pezzo di
Avviamo una conversazione su quali Bring only the essentials for this class. carta, la casella che riporta la stessa
sono le attività o le azioni che si com- RULE 7 frase. Vince chi copre tutte le caselle
piono a scuola e che ci fanno sentire Speak English. per primo.
bene, e appuntiamo le frasi sulla lava- RULE 8 Consegniamo le schede n. 1 e n. 2 per
gna al passato, ad esempio I was kind, Have fun. un’attività di verifica.
Inglese Inglese
scheda n. 1 5 ª scheda n. 2 5 ª
Read the sentences and circle the verbs in the Past Simple. Then, turn the Match each sentence with the right adjective according to the feeling that
verbs in the Present Simple into the Past Simple. you can feel. Then, write down a whole sentence for each phrase. Follow the
a. Mark played football. ...............................................................................................................
b. Pat and Helen respect the rules. ............................................................................................................... My football team lost the game. Excited
c. Janet plays the guitar. ...............................................................................................................
d. Paul ate his lunch. ............................................................................................................... Someone gave me a present. Bad
e. Tim played with his sister. ............................................................................................................... My best friend moved to another
f. The singer sang a beautiful song. ............................................................................................................... school. Sick
g. Lisa speaks very good English. ...............................................................................................................
h. Susan took care of her toys. ............................................................................................................... My teacher congratulated me. Sad
I passed my English test. Happy
Read and complete the sentences with the right verb. Choose from the I have got a fever. Great
box the most suitable action which each of these people can do.
a. I feel bad because my football team lost the game.
danced (x 2) – read – wrote (x 2) – played (x 2) – spoke – exercised b. I feel ....................................................................... because ......................................................................................................................................................... .
c. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
a. Your teacher ..................................................................................... English at the meeting. d. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
b. A dancer ..................................................................................... in the theatre. e. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
c. A schoolgirl ..................................................................................... a scary story. f. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
d. A gymnast ..................................................................................... every day. Read the sentences and for each one write a school rule.
e. The footballer ..................................................................................... very well yesterday.
f. A writer ..................................................................................... a new book. a. A boy is late to class.
g. Last week Thomas ..................................................................................... football with Marie. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
h. Tony ..................................................................................... a beautiful poem for the Italian lesson. b. A girl is using a mobile phone.
i. Sophie ..................................................................................... the waltz with Jake. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
c. A boy is not listening to the teacher.
COSA VERIFICARE: riconosce e utilizza i verbi al Past Simple. COSA VERIFICARE: associa a una situazione la sensazione/l’emozione corretta in LS; formula regole
per il benessere comune.
Maria Manca © Edizioni Didattiche Gulliver S.r.l. Maria Manca © Edizioni Didattiche Gulliver S.r.l.
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