Page 29 - Nuovo Gulliver News Marzo 2022 - Rivista
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How the Plants become a seedling. distance before they find a good place
3 There are many different kinds of to grow. A good example is the palm
Focalizziamo l’attenzione sulla ger- seeds. Some plants make a lot of tree. The coconut
minazione mostrando ai bambini il seeds, some make only a few. falls into the sea
video reperibile al link https://youtu. where the currents ©
be/JSe_VUMymjo. Al termine, orga- How Do Seeds Travel? move it to its new home.
nizziamo gli alunni a coppie e distri- Scriviamo sulla lavagna la domanda Fur/feathers dispersal
buiamo a ognuna l’attività scaricabile “How Do Seeds Travel?”, poi organiz- Some seeds have
dal sito, ziamo i bambini in gruppi e invitiamoli hooks or stickers that
Nuovo Gulliver News a.s. a discuterne insieme partendo dalle catch on the fur or
2021-22 con l’invito a com- loro esperienze personali. Affidiamo feathers of the animals or on people’s
pletarla utilizzando le informazioni a un componente di ogni team l’inca- clothing. When the animal finally frees
presenti nel filmato. Invitiamo gli rico di trascrivere le idee dei compa- itself from them, the seeds are far
alunni a condividere le scelte fatte e gni. Dopo qualche minuto esortiamo away from where they started.
a motivarle. Mostriamo poi semi di uno spokesperson per gruppo a con- Animal dispersal
varie forme e dimensioni. Reperiamo dividere con la classe le ipotesi del Birds and other
sul web le immagini di frutti e ortaggi proprio team. Successivamente, verifi- animals scatter seeds.
tagliati a metà in modo che siano vi- chiamo quanto emerso distribuendo e They eat berries and ©
sibili i semi, ad esempio una mela, un leggendo il seguente testo. fruit. The seeds are left in new places
avocado, un peperone, una ciliegia e in the animal droppings.
un pomodoro, e mostriamole alla Unlike animals, plants Explosive action
classe. Quindi, avviamo una conver- do not have the ability Incredibly, a number
sazione in merito chiedendo: to choose the best place to grow. of plant species © Wikipedia.ord
4 Did you all know the seeds of these Indeed, they have no feet and no utilize explosive force to fling their
images? If not, which of them were wings. Therefore, the plants have seeds away. The sandbox tree, native
unknown to you? evolved different ways to ensure to tropical America, has exploding
4 Can you give examples of other their own reproduction by dispersing capsules that can launch seeds up to
fruit or vegetables that have similar their seed. A seed must somehow 100 meters away with speeds of up to
seeds? (Pears, chilli peppers…) “arrive” at a location and be there at 70 meters per second! The sound of
Accogliamo le risposte e aggiun- a time favourable for germination and the explosion can be heard echoing
giamo: growth. How can seeds move? through the forest.
3 The many kinds of grain that people Wind Dispersal People scatter seeds, too.
grow, such as rice and corn, are all Seeds from plants like They plant seeds in yards, gardens
seeds. Seeds are often inside fruits. a dandelion are light and fields.
Infine, riepiloghiamo insieme le infor- and have “hairs” that
mazioni apprese sui semi e trascrivia- act like a little para- Terminata la lettura, focalizziamo l’at-
mole sul quaderno: chute. When the wind blows on it, tenzione sulla dispersione dei semi
3 A seed is the part of a plant, the seeds fly through the air and land per esplosione e, per dare ai bambini
which can grow into a new plant. on the grass where a new dandelion un’idea più chiara di come essa av-
A typical seed includes three can grow. Others have wing-like parts venga, mostriamo il video reperibile al
basic parts: an embryo, a supply to catch the wind. link
of nutrients for the embryo Water Dispersal
(cotyledon), and a seed coat. The seeds of plants that grow near or Not All Plants Grow
3 When the seed is ready to develop, in the water fall into the water. They from Seeds
it needs water, air and warmth to can float and can be carried for a long Avviamo una conversazione collettiva
28 NUOVO NEWS n. 230 marzo 2022