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           ATTIVITÀ n. 2                    geremo collettivamente.             durre alcuni aggettivi per descrivere i
         Complete with some, any,              ATTIVITÀ n. 3                    sapori e svolgiamola insieme.
         much or many.
                                             Complete the text with the words in   ATTIVITÀ n. 4
         1. In the basket there are ……… lemons   the box.                        Match food and adjectives.
           but there aren’t ……… apples.
         2. Do you want ……… orange juice?       drink – tea-plant – times – bags –   Lemon             Sweet
         3. How ……… ham do you want?          U.K. – million – drinkers – leaves – milk  Chilli pepper  Bitter
         4. How ……… tomatoes are there in    Tea is a pleasant drink made from   Fish and chips        Spicy
           the salad?                        the …………… of a bush. The ……………      Coffee                Tasty
                                             originally comes from China and India   Sugar             Sour
                                             where it has been used since ancient
        un chain game: facciamo disporre i ra-
                                             ………. It arrived in England around 1650
        gazzi in cerchio, domandiamo all’a-  and became a very popular …………….   Al termine, chiediamo ai ragazzi di
        lunno alla nostra sinistra “What do you   90% of tea consumed in the ……………   fare qualche altro esempio, a voce, di
        like? What don’t you like?” e invitia-  comes in the form of tea ……………, an   cibi da abbinare agli aggettivi presenti
                                             American invention by a tea-merchant.
        molo a rispondere dicendo “I like…,                                     nell’attività n. 4. Infine, distribuiamo
                                             The biggest tea …………… in the world
        but I don’t like…” per poi porre il   are the British: they drink approximately   le schede n. 1 e n. 2 per una verifica.
        quesito al compagno alla sua sinistra.   100 …………… cups daily. British people
                                             usually put …………… in their tea.
           Where Are They From?                                                   FIGURA n. 7
        Scriviamo sulla lavagna i nomi di cin-   At the Restaurant                      Fun at the Restaurant
                                                                                 Waiter/waitress: Good afternoon children,
        que cibi britannici (fish and chips,   Proponiamo alla classe un’attività di
                                                                                 welcome to Fun Restaurant. Here, you can
        Yorkshire pudding, Cornish pasty,   role play. Consegniamo a ciascun ra-  cook with our Chef, Maxim.
        black pudding, Scotch egg) e mostria-  gazzo il testo della figura n. 7, leggia-  Linda: This restaurant is very cool!
                                                                                 Mark: Yeah! It’s great!
        mone delle immagini, reperibili sul   molo e traduciamolo. Poi suddividiamo   Waiter/waitress: What do you like?
        web. Chiediamo ai ragazzi di ipotiz-  la classe in gruppi da quattro alunni e   Mark: I am so hungry! I like everything!
                                                                                 Linda: I am super hungry too! Mark, do you
        zarne l’origine e appuntiamo le loro   assegniamo a ogni componente una   like pancakes? And what about pizza?
        idee sulla lavagna; poi diciamo che   parte; infine, chiediamo a un team alla   Mark: Mmm, I don’t like pizza but I like
        leggeremo un brano (v. figura n. 6)   volta di mettere in scena il testo.   pancakes.
                                                                                 Waiter/waitress: Ok, let’s call Chef Maxim.
        per confermarle o smentirle, quindi                                      Chef Maxim: Here I am, are you ready to
        consegniamolo in copia a ciascuno.                                       cook pancakes with me?
                                                                                 Linda and Mark: Yeah!
                                               FASE della CONCLUSIONE            Chef Maxim: Follow my instructions. This is
           Do You Want Some Tea?                                                 the flour. Make a hole in the middle of it and
        Presentiamo un altro elemento tipico    This Food Is…                    break in two eggs.
                                                                                 Linda and Mark: Done!
        della tradizione culinaria inglese, il tè,   Distribuiamo a ciascun alunno l’atti-  Chef Maxim: Now, Mark, add some salt,
        distribuendo l’attività n. 3, che correg-  vità n. 4 con la quale è possibile intro-  then pour the milk and beat everything.
                                                                                 Mark: Done!
           FIGURA n. 6
                                                                                 Chef Maxim: Linda, add some more milk
         Famous British Dishes                                                   and keep beating.
         The most famous British dish is fish and chips; its origins go back to the 19  century, when a group   Linda: Ready!
         of Jewish immigrants from Spain and Portugal settled in England, bringing with them a tradition of   Chef Maxim: Now, let’s put some butter in
         fried fish. Fish and chips, with a sprinkle of salt and vinegar, has got a good taste and it is a cheap   a pan to fry, then pour a little of the mixture
         food. Yorkshire pudding has its origins in Yorkshire, Northern England. It is a simple delicious   until it covers the pan.
         recipe, consisting of flour, eggs, and milk. It is served with meat, especially beef. Cornish pasty is   Linda: It’s difficult!
         a pastry with a half-moon shape, filled with meat and vegetables. It originated from Cornwall in   Mark: Don’t worry, Chef Maxim is here to
         Southwest England in the 13  century, when Cornish miners needed a portable meal to sustain   help us.
         them during long hours underground. Black pudding, or blood sausage, has been known since   Chef Maxim: Cook one side of the pancake,
         the medieval period. It is made from a mixture of pork blood, fat, porridge, and various spices.   and then toss it in the air, then cook the other
         Scotch egg is a popular snack or picnic food in Britain. It comes from an Indian dish brought to   side for a few seconds.
         England during the British colonial era. It is a hard-boiled egg with sausage meat, covered with   Linda and Mark: Wow, it is fun to cook with
         breadcrumbs, and then fried until it is golden and crispy.              you, thank you!

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